Wait and see how the argument plays out, pushing Sam's point.

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"Look, he can turn his back while you check me again, and then I can check you," Sam says.

"How will he know we aren't just lying then?" Alisha asks. "It's obvious we know each other, so he could think we're just lying to cover for the other, just like he can think that right now. It doesn't matter. He wants us to strip in front of him so HE can look at US."

"For the same reason you wanted me to strip down to look at me," you say. "I'm not trying to get my jollies here, if that's what you think."

Alisha shoots you a hard glance. "How doe we know that for certain? Now you want us to take your word for something when you've already said just taking our word isn't good enough."

"Because it doesn't matter," Sam says. "Whether he's a pervert or not, he did what we asked. We should give him the same benefit of the doubt, so he doesn't go every second wondering if one of us is going to flip out and try killing him."

"Fuck it!" Alisha yells, throwing her hands up, obviously upset that Sam sided against you. "Whatever! Go right ahead Sam, you go first, if you're so apt to play fair."

Sam looks at you worried, but stands up slowly anyway. Just then, you hear the sound of smashing glass through the steel door, somewhere out front of the store. Lots of it.

Alisha's screams have evidently brought you some unwanted attention.

"Shit." You mutter, shaking your head.

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