Piggy's Day/You run back down

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< Piggy's Day
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You decide that the safest way to go is back up the downside of the stairs. Meanwhile, the guard, sensing that you're trying to get to the escape pods, has made an alert.

Guard: "Attention to all available guards!"

A guard answers on the other end of the radio:

Other guard: "Dude, it's like 10am, I was asleep. What's the ruckus now?"

Guard: "A dangerous captive has broken free in the logistics hangar! Get your lazy ass over here!"

Other guard: "Okay, but there's only like six of us in the entire building. Most others are either on vacation or..."

Guard: "Now, dammit! We're all gonna get laid off if this guy escapes!"

Other guard: "Alright, alright."

As you reach the same point as the guard, he starts following you up the stairs. You have the advantage, however, as you are technically running downstairs, and the guard is running upstairs. At the end of the stairs you jump onto the ceiling and start running towards the place where the escape pods are. Right around this point, the other guard shows up.

Other guard: "So, where's this escapee?"

Guard: "On the ceiling. He's under the effect of our gravity reversal thing-a-majig."

Other guard: "Right, I got this."

The other guard shoots towards you. After a couple of tries, he hits you in the leg.

Guard: "Oh, for... Why'd you do that?"

Other guard: "Well, it's not like we have some other way of stopping him."

Guard: "Yeah, but how are we gonna get to him now?"

Other guard: "Gee, I don't know. Maybe this wasn't the best of ideas."

Meanwhile, you inch yourself towards a balcony on the side of the hangar. One of the escape pods is located directly under it. You grab the balcony railing and climb on the bottom of the balcony. From there, you try your best to get inside the pod. Your leg is wounded so you can't jump, and you're only some centimeters away. At this point, the guards have stopped arguing and are now moving towards you on the upside of the balcony.

Piggy: "Just... have to reach the door..."

In desperation you grab a toolbox from the upside of the balcony, and carefully stand on top of it to get a grip from the pod. The door to the escape pod is located on the top, and it has a valve.

Piggy: "Thank goodness they didn't hit me on my arms."

You use one arm to grab a handle from the side of the door, and the other to open the valve.

Guard: "Look, he's already getting inside of it! This guy's persistant as hell."

Other guard: "Stop right there, or I'll shoot again!"

Guard: "Oh no you don't! We're already short on escape pods. We can't do anymore damage to these things, the Stellar Agency for Workplace Safety will be all over our business."

Other guard: "You know, that's gonna be the least of our troubles if this guy gets to spill our secrets."

You pry yourself up the hatch, and it closes behind you automatically. The guards can't reach you anymore.

Guard: "Okay, let's get to a lower level. Now the only way to stop him is to close the hangar door."

You reach the control panel. Using the manual, you start going through the launching procedure. In this time, the two guards are running to the manual control panel to override any emergency launches.

Guard: "Goddamit, why aren't these buttons labelled? Let's see now..."

The guard presses one of the buttons at random, and the hangar's sprinklers go off.

Other guard: "Okay, let me have a try."

The other guard remembers using one of these control panels at the introduction two years ago.

Other guard: "Okay, there's a bit of a problem here."

Guard: "What?"

Other guard: "I remember that the correct button is one of these two here. But the other button initializes the ground-based recharging system of our spaceships."

Guard: "And?"

Other guard: "Well, the sprinkles have flooded the floor. If I accidentally press the wrong button, it'll probably electrocute the both of us."

Neither of the guards dare to make a decision on pressing the button. They try and contact the engineer that built it, but before they get anybody on the line, you've completed the launch procedure.

Piggy: "Woohoo, Earth, here I come!"

The escape pod, however, doesn't head for Earth. Instead, it's programmed to land on the closest planet, Mars. Mars is ruled mostly by democracies, and while in close political contact with the Emperor of Phobos, none of them probably have reasons to deport you back to Phobos. However, there are no guarantees of that.

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