Explain it's probably better to just get some sleep.

From Create Your Own Story

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"I think I'll just turn in," you say, going to get a bedroll. "Seems like maybe you should do the same."

The both of you don't say another word to one another. You settle in for the night and try to get as much sleep as you can.

You awake at some point in the morning, and you're sure you can hear footsteps outside the vault. You get up and put your ear to the door, and surely enough you can hear the sound of feet clomping around outside. They're loud, and it sounds like a group of people. You find yourself in a hazy panic, still half asleep. You can only imagine what's come into the bank, and what it will do when it finds the two of you.

"Anyone alive in here?" You hear a voice shout. "United States army," the voice calls out again. "If anyone is alive in here, announce your presence now!" You jump in place, so excited for a stroke of good luck. "We're in here! Two of us! We're alive!" Mia sits up from her bedroll, confused, rubbing at her eyes. You unlock the door and swing it open, and are greeted by several armed men with flashlights attached to their weaponry, and the light is nearly blinding.

Within an hour, you're whisked away to a military camp, where you're quarantined while medical officials search your entire bodies for signs of sores. When they're sure you're not infected, they release you into the camp with a fresh change of clothes, and pointing the way to a large tent where food and water await. On your way there, you don't see Mia. You ask around for awhile, but no one seems to know where she went, or if she even made it through the medical search.

It's six months before you discover she was infected. You don't ask what came of that. You just try to put it from your mind. Life goes on, though slowly. Over the next few months, you spend time working in the camp in whatever menial tasks are needed, and your thoughts often drift to Melanie, to Cassandra, to Mia. To other people you'll never see again. You get depressed. You drink heavily. Then one day, you just stop showing up to work. Four days later, someone comes looking for you, and finds you hanging from a light post. They cut you down, and dump your body in an unmarked grave.

Congratulations. You sort of made it. Sort of.

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