Go to other stores to search for more clues

From Create Your Own Story

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Heading out to the eastern side of Old District, you fly in silently with the Shadow. Gliding down from the ejection door of the bottom of the shadow to the roof of the antique store. Landing quietly, you turn on you'r detective vision to scan the building below, seeing no one within, you look around for possible entry's. Spotting one in the front, and one in the back ally that leads to the basement. You decide to take the alleyway door, less likely to be spotted, and more of a personal preference with your line of work, as well as between the sheets. After picking the ally way door you silently make your way down the stairs to the basement where you kneel down and flip on your night vision on your cowl, not taking any chances you want to be quick and fast as you move your way past all the furniture and antiques, looking for the stairs up to the main floor where the store is. Finding it, you move slowly up, entering the main room of the antique store. This was the place that was hit last week, lets see if this has any connection to the last place i checked, you think to yourself. Log books should be the first place we check, making you way to the main office. Thinking that is the most likely place it will be, you enter the room and check the filing cabinets. Hmm nothing here, lets see about the computer, you say as you take out your decoder to hack the computer. Once opened a file revealed to have Sebastian Kyle's name in it a couple times as a customer. Interesting he seems to be a patron here, you murmur, and you look though the files of all the items he has bought, but nothing connecting to the other jewel robbery he did this week.

Deciding to move to Burglary reports for this store, you shuffle though the reports on you mini computer in you gauntlet you match the reported jewel that was stolen to this store, it is in fact the same type of jewel that was stole from the jeweler up town. There's the connection you think, there must be something going on with those jewels in particular, I wonder what? Knowing now that Sebastian came here to scope out the store, multiple times it appears. The jewel must have just been brought here recently, or else he would have stole it along time ago. I've got to find out what these jewels have in common, they must be part of something bigger, you think as you make your way out of the building. Silently you return the way you came in leaving not a hint of anyone being there, you grapnel up to the shadow and get into the your jet. This looks like its going to be a long night, I should probably call Allie, you say with a determined voice.


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