Katie Accident in Art - Katie chases the girl

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Condition messy ass Apparel and Items: Shirt skirt panties
Day, Time Friday, end of the day
Need to Bathroom none
Level of Humiliation Extreme

Katie gets up off the ground and pulls up her panties. Her ass feels messy and instantly stains the panties brown. Katie runs out the bathroom and chases the girl down the hall. Katie catches us to the girl and tackles her at the entrance to the cafeteria.

Katie swings her fists at the girl and knocks the cellphone out of her hand. The phone falls to the ground damaging it. The girl retaliates by punching Katie in the gut. Then the girl rips Katie's shirt exposing her breasts. This enrages Katie who slaps the girl in the face. Then she pulls the girl's shirt over her head. Soon the girls are rolling on the ground exposed to the school.

The staff breaks them up. Katie is taken to the Vice principle Mrs. Tucker office to wait for her mother. Katie's messy ass begins to itch and she scratches it while she waits.

"What is going on. You are suppose to sit still." Mrs. Tucker yells.

"I'm sorry but I did not get to wipe." Katie says.

Then Katie lifts her skirt and shows Mrs. Tucker her panties.

"I thought I smelled poop. Is this why the fight started?" Mrs. Tucker asks.

"Yes. That girl was filming me on the toilet. These aren't even my panties. I friend gave them to me because I had an accident in art class." Katie responds.

"You poor thing. I was teased as a child because I wet the bed until I was sixteen. I will help you out." Mrs. Tucker responds.

Katie's mother soon arrives and is told that the redheaded girl attacked Katie. Katie is taken home. Katie's mother notices her daughter's dirty panties.

"What happened to your panties. Did you mess yourself again? I told you what would happen if you had another accident." Katie's mother yells.

"I didn't have an accident. It's a wet fart. I ate bad meatloaf today." Katie pleads.

Katie's mother grabs Katie and bends her over her knee. Then she spanks Katie several times on the stained panties. Katie cries and pleads but they soon turn to sobs. Once the spanking is done, Katie is sent to the bathroom to clean up. Katie's ass is blood red with brown stains on her buttocks. She winces in pain as she moves into the shower. Katie cleans herself up. Then she wraps herself in a towel and meets her mother in Katie's room. Katie's mother is holding a diaper.

"I told you what would happen. Now put the diaper on." Katie's mother yells.

Katie has no choice but to put the diaper on. She spends the next two weeks diapered. Katie is teased in class and at home because of the diapers. Katie will never live this down.

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