Katie Accident in Art - Meatloaf

From Create Your Own Story

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Condition clean Apparel and Items: Shirt skirt panties
Day, Time Friday, Lunch
Need to Bathroom none
Level of Humiliation Extreme

Katie decides to go in the line for meatloaf. Nobody is in the line so she can avoid heckling from other students. Katie grabs the meatloaf and a carton of milk. She pays and sits at a table all by herself. Nobody sits with Katie.

Katie cuts up the meatloaf and starts to eat it. She notices the meatloaf is hard to swallow. Katie douses the rest of the meatloaf in ketchup and finishes her lunch.

Soon the bell rings and it is time for Katie's last class of the day. Katie reports to English class with Ms. Smith. Today's assignment is to write a essay about the day. Katie is not pleased. Writing about her accident and having her teacher read it would not be fun.

Katie writes her paper reliving the humiliating accident, messy panties, and Harper's kindness. As Katie finishes her paper, her stomach begins to hurt. She feels pressure on her anus and realizes why the meatloaf line was short. The urge builds quickly as Katie knows her embarrassment is going to increase. Katie raises her hand and Ms. Smith notices.

"May I please use the bathroom?" Katie pleads.

A girl student that was in art class chimes in.

"Better Let her go. She shit her pants in Art class today. She's probably going to do it again." The girl exclaims.

"Leave me alone, I just need a quick break. Mr. Thorn was mean to me." Katie responds.

"Enough bickering." Ms. Smith yells.

Katie Accident it Art - Katie may go to the bathroom

Katie Accident in Art - Katie must wait until the end of class

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