Masturbate for the first time, just do it Kiddo

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 20:12, 23 May 2016 by Anonx (Talk | contribs)
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You try to touch your new weird manhood and when you do, you feel some weird thing like it was telling you to rub it up and down,you keep looking to the keyhole of your sister room,meanwhile she moans quiet things like ohh yes i love this or things like God i love this, you cant help yourself, you keep rubbing more and more your penis until you feel like is going to Blow, Ahnnnnnnnn *Said Stewie* As his cum Comes out of his member letting the door all slimed out as he get scared for the big mess he did and the noise probally making Meg alert, You run fast as you can and when Meg Comes to open her Door she sees the Mess and try to think who did that. Iyou go back to sleep,you dont know what just happened but for some reason you feel really great and really sleepy now, i should try this more times *said stewie*

Ending: First Blow of white Goo.

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