User talk:DirtyMeStoryTime/Underage sex

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Revision as of 08:08, 20 May 2016 by DirtyMeStoryTime (Talk | contribs)
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Interesting points.

Personally, I still feel it's "worse" for an adult to have sexual relations with a teenager than two teenagers exploring sex. (I actually met and spoke to a 42-year-old woman who was put on the sex offender list for having sex with a 14-year-old boy. Her attempts to justify what she did rang very hollow. She knew he was 4 years underage and still engaged in sex with him.) However, to paraphrase the late George Orwell, all 14-year-olds are equal but some of them are more equal than others. Some 14-year-olds know exactly what they're doing,and are not forced into having sex with adults: they choose to do so. Some, on the other hand, have been groomed to be victims and aren't aware of what's happening.

When teenagers hit puberty, they're going to want to explore their sexuality (this applies regardless of gender), unless they happen to be asexual. That instinct can't be suppressed: it has to be diverted into safe channels. A good parent knows that and strives to do this.

That's all my thoughts for now... --- Teejay

Yes, I understand that it gets tricky, since honestly, you really do not want the law being completely case by case. But, honestly, I think that there is a real problem with the law going overboard (Like my post on teen sexting), and criminalizing normal behavior. And I think that has lead to a society afraid to even talk about sex with those who are underage, making the problems worse. --Dirty Me 07:16, 20 May 2016 (UTC)

For your grooming, yeah, I have heard about that. Maybe that was why I was so popular? Because they didn't need to put in the effort?

Sadly, when you think about it, when you are talking about the people who have things for underage girls, it pretty much gets into the same thing as the one I posted on objectification. Because, really, how much do you think the 42 year old "loved" me, vs. loved an underage girl?

But, when you get to the legal system, I think sometimes it is too harsh. I am not saying do not punish sexual predators. But, let me ask this, when you get out of prison for murder, do you need to register as a life offender? Do you need to post a notice all over the neighborhood about how you are a life offender? Do you need to tell all employers about it to make sure you aren't around living people who you may murder one day? Yet, these things are the requirements if you are a sex offender. Maybe they just need to do that with life offenders so it makes crime/punishment more even, but...

Take the example I put under the technology and the law. That guy who had an intimate pic of himself will forever be a sex offender. He will always be associated with "doing stuff to kids". Not all sex offenders are. For example, I have read in the UK, if you urinate in public, you can become a sex offender. So, they will now be associated with "doing stuff to kids" because they got drunk and relieved themselves in a bush in public. How is this even remotely "just"? I think sometimes it goes too far.

What about the Greek empire. Were all the boys messed up men because they had sex with adult men? Or, since society viewed it as normal, did they grow up to be a normal part of society without any mental messed-up-ness? I mean, me being molested, did that mess me up, or did the reactions I received when I told someone mess me up? See, this also gets tied up with my complaints about society and human sexuality. How much of all this garbage, including people's attractions to the taboo "underage sex", is more because of all of our social conditioning? --Dirty Me 08:08, 20 May 2016 (UTC)

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