DIM: Look for food

From Create Your Own Story

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You both notice that wreckage from the plane wreck has begun to wash up ashore. Pieces of plane fuselage, water-stained luggage, etc. You suggest to Moira that she build a shelter, while you try to hack your way into the jungle and find some edible food. She concurs, and you both get to work.

And work it is. You are exhausted within hours, trying to scramble through thorned bushes and climb trees. Luckily, you did several years in scouts and wilderness survival had been somewhat of a hobby when you were younger, so distinguishing edible from poison doesn't prove to be too much of a problem- you hope. To try and preserve your shirt from getting destroyed, you take it off.

As the sun reaches the highest point in the sky, you return to the beachhead, carrying all the berries, nuts and roots you could find in a bundle in your shirt. For a moment, you're sure you could see Moira checking you out, but you dismiss it as a strange delirium.

Moira has done an exceptional job with shelter. She's managed to weave pieces of metal with some of the heavy bushes she's dragged from the jungle, creating a dark, cool and cozy inside. About three metres by two: easily large enough for both of you to sleep in, and she's working on digging out the sand underneath to make even more head space. You both take a break to eat as you go through some of the stuff from the flight that had washed ashore.

Afterwards, you head back into the jungle, this time searching for water. You can't find any- but then remember that there is water in vines- which there are plenty of. You cut several strips of vines and fill up empty canteens with. It tastes horrible, but'll keep you alive.

Night soon descends. The dark sky is lit up with millions of stars that leaves you breathless after you and Moira manage to light a meagre fire. You talk about life together for several hours. finally, you both retire into the shelter for the night.

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