
From Create Your Own Story

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Your mom says, “I agree. It must be fate and leave it at that. Son, I am glad you enjoyed yourself, even if it happened to be with your mom.”

You look at her and say, “I know I should feel weird about the whole thing, but don’t. And you shouldn’t either. You were smiling last night while giving me a blowjob, so it looks like we all had a good night. Now I am going to get some coffee and take a shower. Mom, you might want to wash your face before you leave. There is some of my stuff still there.”

Your mom no longer looks embarrassed as she says, “Probably a good idea. I could also use some mouthwash for the same reason.”

Your mom heads into the bathroom and you whisper to your aunt, “You are pure evil.”

Your aunt smiles and says, “Flattery will get you anything, and I mean anything. Like your cock in my ass.”

You smile and say, “Once she leaves, your ass is mine.”

You head into the kitchen and grab a much needed cup of coffee. You listen as your mom leaves the bathroom and walk over to your aunt. You pretend not to hear their conversation.

Your mom says, “Damn fate.”

Your aunt responds saying, “It is what it is. He remembered everything and enjoyed himself. So threesome it is.”

Your mom repeats herself, “Damn fate.”

Your aunt says, “It will be fun. We are both long overdue for something crazy, and it doesn’t get any crazier than this.”

Your mom sighs and then says, “I suppose your right. It is weird, a little sick, but a whole lot exciting.”

Your aunt says, “You know, we don’t have to wait for his birthday.”

Your mom says, “What do you mean?”

Your aunt says, “You could go home and get a shower. Then grab an overnight bag and come back.”

Your mom, now totally committed to the plan, says, “Don’t start without me.”

Your aunt says, “You had better get back here quick, or no promises.”

Your mom gives a laugh and says, “You are just wrong. By, Jack,” she calls out as she heads out the door.

You look over and say, “By, mom.”


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