Kelly plays a barbarian girl

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 15:15, 31 March 2016 by Fredhot16 (Talk | contribs)

Main characters for this story are:

Kelly's team:

Kelly, 17 years, 5"8' feet, blond hair, bright blue eyes, stunning girl with a nice butt and b-cup breasts. She like to act in live act role play games together with her friends.

Paul, 17 years, 5"10 feet, brown hair, mud-brown eyes, nerdy boy.

Dean, 16 years, 5"8' feet, brown hair, mild green eyes, normal looking boy.

Enemies team:

Dan, 18 years, 6"5' feet, dark blond hair, dark gray eyes, athletic boy.

Tim, 15 years, 6"0' feet, black hair, bland brown eyes skinny boy.

Pete, 16 years, 5"10'feet, blond hair, dark blue eyes, athletic boy.

Her story starts when she got an invitation for a LARP-game in the woods this weekend. The game was in the hottest summer in years. Kelly and her friends has to play a barbarian fight. Kelly and her friends were very excited about the game. Because of the heat she decided to exchange the normal, heavy clothes for some clothes which were a little bit lighter. According to the dresscode the clothes have to be leather and fur.

Kelly decides to make a strapless leather and fur bra and a short skirt of the same material. Because leather boots would be foolish in the heat, Kelly makes flip-flops covered by fur greaves that start from the knee and go down to the top of the foot, leaving the sole and toes showing. When she had finished, she was proud of her work.

Kelly goes to the camp

Kelly decides to stay home because of the temperature

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