Piggy's Day/Go through the skeleton

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The skeletal remains have become stuck in a strange position, where the rib cage is covered in large rags that the demon was clothed/wrapped in. You manage to find a way underneath the stinky robes and to the rib cage. As you jimmy yourselves through the ribs of the enormous demon corpse, you see that its heart is still contact, and seemingly glowing.

Piggy: "Oh wow, what's up with this?"

Marine: "I wouldn't know. I'm not acquainted to the bodily functions of demons."

Piggy: "Whatever it is, I call dibs on it!"

You then see two young boys, one carrying a crowbar, entering through the rear of the corpse.

Boy: "Oi, what're you doing with our loot?"

You are not exactly good with childrens psychology, but sure as hell can argue with them in proper manner.

Piggy: "Excuse me, but we were here first, and I already called dibs on this demon heart."

The other boy turns to his friend:

Other boy: "He's right about the dibs, you know."

Boy: "Ya don't even know whatcha do with it!"

Piggy: "Sure I do. It's not every day that you come across demon hearts in the overworld. We can sell this for ludicrous amounts, while you two little snotnoses can't do anything with it!"

Other boy: "Whoa, are you from the world of the living?"

Captain: "Yes indeed, boys. We came here on an submarine with a rather large drill attached."

The two boys turn around and chat together for a short period of time.

Boy: "Suppose we could see that submarine?"

Captain: "Sorry boys, but we crashed it. Now we're trying to find a way back up."

Boy: "How broken is it, then? 'Cause I feel like we could help ya guys."

Captain: "Hmm... Tell you what, if you can find spare parts for a submarine and help us fix it, this demon heart is yours."

Boy: "Helt yea!"


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