Headed straight for the tallest tower

From Create Your Own Story

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If a treasure was to be kept safe, it would be kept out of reach. That's what he reasoned as he climbed the hundreds upon hundreds of spiralling stairs.

When he reached the top, he almost cried.

The prince found himself in a bed chamber. A perfectly ordinary bed chamber just like his own. He saw no gold, no jewels, no treasure at all.

He was furious.

As he tore through furniture and fine cloth, he vowed to execute every man who'd failed to stop him going into the thorns. What a waste!

Eventually he stormed nearer to the bed and with excessive force, ripped back the curtains. He froze.

Lying on the bed was a maiden. Her long golden locks splayed across the pillows and rose red lips parted slightly as she breathed. He had never seen a more beautiful woman. Despite the commotion of his tirade, she slept peacefully.

He spoke. He touched her arm. He shook her. She would not wake.

This was indeed a great treasure! The prince looked again on her body and dared to think what he could do.

Strip her clothes

Pinch her nipples

Caress her thigh

Kiss her

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