To your locker (Exchange Student) (f)

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 11:56, 12 March 2016 by Sixy (Talk | contribs)

You start to turn around and slip over on the smooth floor as you do, your clothing flies out of your hands and at that moment the eel in your clit starts thrusting its body in and out of you, you get to your feet but you can feel yourself get forced upwards every time the eel thrusts into you, you pick up your clothes and begin to walk towards your locker, breathing in ragged gasps as the eels pace quickens, you cum as you reach your locker and the eel entirely retreats inside of you.

You open your locker and take out your swimsuit, you remove your pants in order to put it on and examine your cunt, it is extremely wet and seems to be seeping constantly, causing a flow down your leg.

You put the swimsuit on along with your pants and decide to get rid of the eels, you run out of the school and back towards the ocean where you encountered the eel. It is not far and only takes you a few minutes to reach it. You remove your pants and run into the water, you keep going until you are far enough from the shore to feel safe before removing your swimsuit. The eels are still growing, and you begin by poking a finger into your snatch to find the eel. It brushes its head against your finger but remains in. The eels on your breasts seem to sense that they are now in the water and both release your nipples, revealing your swollen areolas and releasing a slow flow of milk from the tips. The three eels, however, remain on you, gripping you tightly, but not as much as before. Then you remember of the fourth eel. It had completely slipped your mind, so you shove your hand up your ass and feel the eels side. This one feels much bigger than the others and does not respond to your tugs.

You ponder how to get rid of them...

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