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Dad, Pa, or mostly John.

At the time of this story John is 46. Happily married to

John grew up in trees (not literally). He was raised by his mom and dad with 2 siblings, Mike and Gail. They lived deep in the woods in West Virginia which is where John had obtained his love and passion for hunting, fishing, and basically anything adventurous. His dad taught him the ins and outs of becoming the man that he has become. He taught John how to string a pole and catch the trophy fish, taught him how to aim, breathe, and fire a rifle and how to skin a buck or a bear or whatever they had shot that day. His dad made him become a manly man. One who doesn't take shit from others but one who does not forget what he came from and one that treats everyone with the utmost respect. Johns pa always told him no matter what, where, or who, always be a gentleman treat a lady right and put family above everything and anyone. His dad promised if he lives his life that way he will be the richest and happiest man alive.

Johns dad certainly was the reason he became a such the loving gentleman he is but it was his mother who taught him to study and learn, cook, clean, be sociable and most importantly the emotional side of life. His mom, or ma, always was there for him no matter the problem. John was her secretly favorite kid. Always let him get away with almost everything (although John rarely made bad decisions). She taught him how to treat a lady in public and certainly in private but we'll get to that. She made sure that, because of their kids unfortunate lousy school system they had no choice but to put them through, that the kids would have homework outside of school and study material not required by school so that they were not robbed of an important education. That certainly worked with John as he grew to be a very sophisticated and intelligent man. John never was labeled nor thought of as a mommas boy or daddys boy but he secretly knew he was more of a momma's boy.

Johns brother, Mike, was a year younger and like John was athletic, kind, family oriented, and of course muscular. John and Mike always got along and would often play together outside or inside dependent on the weather. He always made sure mike was ok or not being mistreated by anyone and always gave advice about woman as much as he could. And by advice, basically anything he had managed to read from their dads porn stash. Although his brother and him were good looking strong mature and well endowed boys and even though the girls that wanted them were not in short supply, they both had very little insight on how to please a girl or how to even get the girl to the point that pleasure was the objective.

Johns sister was always gorgeous and looked scarily similar to their mother. She had their mom's eyes, lips, height, frame, hair color, etc. except for her ass and breasts. Surprisingly her breasts grew to be larger than their mothers which wouldn't be to big of a surprise had it not be for the fact their mothers were a C cup and about 34 or 36 measurement. His sister looked up to him even though she was 2 years older. She loved both her brothers very much so but she would go to John more. As you can assume from all this John was all but the family favorite and he kind of knew it. John would often hang out with his sister in his room talking or listening to records or making plans.

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