Silver - Aggressive outcome (success)

From Create Your Own Story

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He jumps at you, sword extended and knowing that even if you start your move a moment too early could mean defeat, you wait till his blade almost makes contact, before you make a quick step to the side and avoid the hit entirely, the old man flying through the air beside you. You're not sure what your grandpa had anticipated, but you don't give him the chance to regret his mistake and swing down your sword. To avoid serious injuries, you only use the pommel of your sword to hit him between the shoulder blades, still making him hit the ground hard. He certainly felt that one. He lays there for a moment, but quickly gets it together again and you help him up.

"Well, that's what I get for charging in. I didn't think you'd manage to step aside so perfectly timed and attack. Your offense is pretty impressive, but still, it would've been more sensible to evade all together, than try such a risky move. You may have beaten me, but you completely ignored your surroundings to pull that off."

"Yeah, yeah, you're just sour that I pulled it off."

"Maybe, but you'd still have ignored what happens around you and maybe you would have gotten hit by something else. And you can't expect your enemies to play nice now, can you? You need to learn that aggressively dominating the opponent doesn't always lead to victory, even if it worked now. Sometimes you need to restrain yourself and hold back, let your opponent do some of the work for you and give you a better opening."

"And how do I train that?"

"You make mistakes, of course! And then learn from them. Phew, still a good workout, I'd say! Just wait till you can use this aggressive prowess in bed!" He laughs heartily and you begin to blush.

Health 100% Equipment:

old sword

MP 100%
Level -
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