Darklands/Character Sheet - Brenna Rosenstock

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 02:37, 19 December 2015 by Wannabe rockstar (Talk | contribs)




  • Full Name: Brenna Catherina Rosenstock
  • Common Name: Brenna
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 17 years old
  • Height: 5'3"
  • Weight: 112 lbs.
  • Breast size: 32C
  • Waist: 26"
  • Hips: 34"
  • Skin tone: White
  • Hair: Blonde
  • Eyes: Grey
  • Background: Nobility
  • Current occupation: Noble heiress


  • Endurance: Low
  • Strength: Average
  • Agility: Low
  • Perception: High
  • Intelligence: High
  • Charisma: Very high

Special skills

  • Religion: Brenna has spent long hours in the castle library reading the works of the great saints and teachers of the Church and has studied under the finest tutors in Kuttenberg.
  • Virtue: Brenna is a deeply devout Christian, and her soft heart, gentle nature, grace and piety have been rewarded with great favour from Heaven.
  • Speak Latin: Brenna now speaks Latin as fluently as her teachers.
  • Read and write: Brenna has read thousands of books, curled up in front of a warm fire.
  • Ride: The princess begged her father for a pony of her own and unable to resist her puppy dog eyes, he relented. Brenna loves horses and rides as well as any of her father's best men.

Weapon proficiency

  • Melee weapons: Polearms
  • Missile weapons: Bows


Brenna has lived her entire life in the great fortress overlooking Kuttenberg, the city her father rules on behalf of the King of Bohemia. A kind, generous, affectionate soul, the petite, beautiful Brenna is adored by everyone in the castle.

Since the age of 11, her hand in marriage has been promised to a young prince in Vienna, to secure an alliance between Bohemia and the powerful Habsburg dynasty of Austria. Brenna is repulsed by her betrothed and is terrified at the prospect of marrying him. The thought of her approaching 18th birthday, when she must marry the prince, is the only source of anxiety and unhappiness in her life.

The first time she and the prince met, on the occasion of their betrothal, he had been an obnoxious, spoiled brat who delighted in bullying his younger siblings, grabbing animals by the tail, groping underneath the skirts of servant girls and swearing angrily at his mother when she would half-heartedly reproach him. At the feast he had amused himself by pelting grapes at his bride-to-be, until Brenna's protective older brother deftly flicked a spoonful of pudding into his face, at which point the young prince immediately burst into tears. The next time they met, at 14, he had tried to force himself on her in the stables, when, forcing her to her knees and roughly tugging her by the hair towards the open crotch of his trousers, he forced his erect penis into her mouth. Brenna had bitten down hard on his cock and, while her prince staggered backwards, cursing, she stood up and ran, bawling, her long white dress billowing behind her. She had spent the rest of the day in her locked chambers washing her mouth until her lips were chapped and bleeding, and the entire night in the castle cathedral, sobbing and praying for her soul to be cleansed. Then, one month ago, the prince and his father had arrived unexpectedly during the night, and had departed again only hours later. On this occasion the prince had managed to briefly corner the princess in a corridor, and told her that when they were married, she would have to do filthy, sinful things for him, and she would have no choice but to submit. Pinning his struggling princess against the wall with one hand, he began roughly kneading one of her young breasts with the other. Overpowered, Brenna desperately breathed a prayer for the intercession of St. Lawrence, patron of those suffering torture. Her tormentor was suddenly flung to the floor by an unseen hand, allowing her to escape.

Since that moment Brenna has devoted herself more than ever to her religious studies, and spends most of her free time in church. Kneeling in silent prayer before the crucifix, bathed in radiant light filtered through the tall stained glass windows of the cavernous Gothic cathedral, Brenna feels God's infinite love and grace within her heart and all around her. She now prays mainly for her family and the castle servants, and all other innocents in the land - the drums of war beat ever louder and Brenna is afraid for those she loves so dearly. Though her deep, soft eyes fill with tears at the thought of violence and the idea of hurting another of God's creations makes her physically ill, she has sadly resigned herself to the reality that the day may come when she has to defend herself without the aid of prayer. With the blessing of her mother and father, she began training under the castle's master-at-arms and despite her small frame and reluctance to fight, she has become a competent archer and can defend herself with light polearms.


Brenna is surely the sweetest, gentlest, purest girl in the whole Empire. She accepts and extends Christian kindness and charity with a becoming grace that seems almost divine. Her faith is her strength and her inspiration: her greatest desire is to fulfill God's plan for her and comprehend the mysteries of the Holy Trinity. Her family and servants are all fiercely protective of their angelic princess, and would lay down their lives to defend her life and honor.

Tragically, like so many that are pure-hearted and innocent, under her serene exterior Brenna is tormented by a fascination with the profane. Once, her burning curiosity got the better of her and she climbed up to the very top shelf in the castle library and took down several books she knew her parents hadn't wanted her to read. Eyes wide as saucers, she read through pages and pages describing blasphemous ceremonies of the witch cults, which included graphic illustrations of demonic sexual heresies. Since that day, Brenna has feverishly sought out and devoured all the books she can find on witchcraft. Though she knows it is sinful and fears the punishment her lust will certainly bring, every night when she's alone in bed the burning fire between her thighs breaks her will and she silently masturbates her soaking pussy to the release of orgasm, picturing herself in the middle of the demonic sex rituals she's read about. The next morning, alone in church, Brenna whimpers softly, tears trickling down her cheeks, and begs silently for forgiveness and freedom from the bondage of sin.


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