Grab A Bandaid and Neosporin

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 08:11, 3 December 2015 by Mtsgw (Talk | contribs)

I reach up to the cabinet above my head and search for a bandaid and Neosporin. As I stretch my body up I can feel my cock pointing out even further.

"Scott. I really don't want to ask but I feel like I have to." Mary said without actually asking the question.

As she said that I just found the bandaid and Neosporin so I shut the cabinet and turned to her with my erection now at a position causing an even bigger tent. I had a 50/50 thought about what this question may be about.

"Go on..." I said

"Are..." She said taking a couple of seconds pause.

"Are you. Is that. Your uh thing. Is that. Because of me???" She finally got the question out.

I could tell her the truth that its just my morning wood and that it happens fairly often or I could lie and tell her it is because of seeing her completely nude when I entered the bathroom.

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