Serenity: begin posing

From Create Your Own Story

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Serenity thinks to herself for a few seconds; imagining what pose to strike. It seems much harder than she thought. Becoming more nervous, Serenity looks at the camera, smiles and crosses her arms as she leans to her side. With a bright flash of the camera, Steavens smiles at the image looking quite impressed with the novice.

"Ahh yes, kind of a "bad girl" look." Steavens says. "Another please."

Serenity did whatever came to mind and spun her body to the side as she tilted her head back next to her shoulders. The camera continuously snapped pictures, one by one Serenity switched and changed her poses. It was very quick to grasp the idea and felt like that Serenity had a talent for this.

"Well done, you are looking very nice." Steavens said as he angles his camera side to side. "Why don't you give me more attitude, more hips!"

Serenity puckered her lips and closed one eye looking more like a diva. More pictures snapped and Steavens crept closer to get more of Serenity's face. Placing her hand underneath her chin; Serenity made a hot expression as she blew a kiss.

"Perfect my girl, excellent!" Steavens shouted.

Placing his camera on the shiny floor, Steavens walks up to Serenity and places his hands on her shoulders. Serenity was now a little bit uncomfortable with her touch barrier being further breached.

"You are still very tense Serenity." Said Steavens as he massaged Serenity's shoulders. "Loosen up, become more fluid darling."

Serenity nodded once again. She shimmied her body and flicked her hands around to become more relaxed.

"Now, stand next to the poll and pose, grab it or just lean on it."

Serenity advanced towards the poll, moving the red cushions out of the way. Refreshing herself, Serenity took a deep breath and continued.

Serenity: continue posing

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