HC/Accept job

From Create Your Own Story

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'Okay Evelyn,' you say, smiling and taking the cash. 'What would you like done?'

You lead Evelyn to a chair and sit her down. The girls wait in the chairs to the side. 'I just want a trim,' she says. You stand behind her and nod fervently, trying hard not to look down her top. 'Just take off a couple of inches. Followed by a wash and blow-dry.'

'And the girls?'

'Rachel just needs a decent haircut,' Evelyn says, staring pointedly at the older girl. 'As for Charlotte, it's her first haircut.' That explains her expression. 'Just shorten it a bit. Do it the way mine is.'

'Very well,' you say. You fasten the hairdresser's cape around her neck, watching the folds fall and rise on her chest as she breathes. She reaches behind and unties her hair. A curtain of blonde cascades down to around her lower back. She sighs and closes her eyes, leaning back into the chair.

You tremble as you put a hand on her hair and stroke your fingers through it. This feels amazing. The rush of adrenaline takes you by surprise. You know how to cut hair, of course. Hanging around in the shop has given you experience enough for that. But actually doing it? There's something about it that sends thrills of excitement through you.

You grab the misting spray and wet her hair thoroughly. The blonde isn't saying much. She still has her eyes closed, lost in her own thoughts. You separate a layer and hover your scissors over it. This is the point of no return. The blades slice through. An inch of blonde falls to the ground.

You feel something swelling in your trousers. What is wrong with you?! You try to ignore it and carry on cutting. Another strand falls to the floor. Then another. Soon the tiles are littered with blonde hair. The swelling in your trousers is still there though.

Try and deal with it

Ignore it and carry on cutting

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