Just jump up and rap on a drain, make your self noticed, get the hell out of here

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 07:54, 24 January 2008 by Redgiant (Talk | contribs)


"What was that?" says one soapy female coed to another.

You hit the drain and made a clank sound but, as one would obviously see, you fell right into the the neck-deep water in the middle of the dank pipe! From above you hear two girls voices:

Girl 1: "Geeze Mindy you have an active imagination. I didn't hear a thing."

Girl 2: "Know what I'm imagining right now?"

Girl 1: "Hey, hey, we decided no more fooling around like that, its not right."

Girl 2: "Uhhh" seductively, "but Mindy, your big tits are calling to me, calling out for me to caress that soap off them nipps"

Girl 1: "Ok. Yes. That was ONE time and it felt... it felt soooo good... NO NO, we cant!

Girl 2: "Yes We can, were young, were hot, were naked, and were alone... and I'm hungry for this!" slapping sound

Girl 1: "Oh!, no, no, no,....uhhh....uhhh....Yes-

Just then the gaitor gets you by the balls. Your erection (yes, you have one. But you just noticed it when the teeth bit down) is torn off!!! The gaitor lets go only to chomp again! He sinks his long jaws into your entire abdomen this time and pulls you down into the brown stinky water in a death roll. Well, at least you are going to die with a smile on your face.

                                              Try Again
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