Serenity: ending result 12
From Create Your Own Story
Fuck it; Serenity thought to herself, spending the rest of the day at the local mall seemed more interesting than sitting back in the classroom next to creep Serenity just jerked off. Sure, he'd brag about it to the old man, but she'll never see them again. Serenity walked towards the sink and vigorously washed her hands making sure that the small trace of cum was fully off. As she dried herself, Serenity walked out of the toilet stalls taking a last look at the puddle of jizz the bald man left. It was his problem now.
Serenity didn't look back, she exited the gates leaving the course behind. She was offered many more and didn't worry about falling behind, it was just a week worth of study. Shrugging to herself, Serenity strutted throughout the streets and only after a 15 minute walk, she finally arrived at the mall. To get new something to eat or a dress... That was the question...