First Day of School: School: Pictures

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Condition Tearful Apparel and Items: Poka-Dot Panties, No Bra, Mid-Thigh Length Skirt, and T-Shirt
Day, Time Monday Morning
Need to Use The Bathroom  ???
Level of Humiliation Extreme

Katie arrived at school, not as drenched as before, but in no means dry. As she got off the bus she looked around, not knowing where to go since she left her map and timetable in her bag at the bus stop. So Katie thought one of the teachers may help her. Walking as fast as she could towards a teacher, knowing the bell would ring any minute, she approached her and asked in a rather small voice,"do you know where I am meant to be... I lost my timetable and map.." The teacher looked at her in a concerning manner and said "it's okay, all the students are going to the gym for photos, so just follow me". Katie, looking incredibly shocked, not knowing it was photo day asked "may I please not, I got soaking wet on the way here, and I look terrible". The teacher looking slightly annoyed said "well you'll have to tough it out young lady come on". The teacher said while grabbing Kattie arm.

Katie was surprised in the woman's sudden change of mood and also her firm grip on her arm. The teacher was also moving quite fast causing Kattie to trip and slide a bit. Suddenly, as they were going through the gym door, Katie's skirt caught on the door handle and ripped off."ahhh" Katie squealed, causing everyone in the gym to look at her, her face went bright red as her hands covered her panties. Katie looked up at the teacher and said,"please let me go, I'm not decent now, and there's a hole in my underwear miss.." The teacher raised an eyebrow and responded with,"is there now? And where would this "hole" be?" Katie replied softly and said,"on the back of them miss..." The teacher laughed and whispered in her ear,"you know most teachers in this school don't really care for the students, that includes me, so you're going to go over and get a picture taken, or I am going to punish you, and trust me, you won't like how I do it." Katie was in shock, the teacher had just threatened her, but what came out of her mouth next was not what she was meant to say."no please, I can't.." The teacher looked and smiled at Katie,"well then I guess you chose the punishment". As quickly as she said that she threw Katie over her shoulder and carried her through the students and to the camera."no please put me down, I'll take the picture!" The teacher laughed and said,"well it's a bit too late now honey, but don't worry, you'll be taking a picture, but it won't be of your face, now hold her boys". The teacher put Katie on the floor and made 4 boys hold each limb as she was in the doggy position."now see that hole where her, well haha, "hole" is, rip it so we can see her ass and some pussy please boys" the teacher demanded. And the boys did. Katie was squirming, and all she heard was a "rrriiippp". As this happened the teacher came up to Katie's ass with the camera,"I just want one little picture of this beautiful ass-hole" she pointed the camera as the boys spread her cheeks."click" the picture was taken."now shove 4 fingers I that boys". And they all did. "Noooo, please, it hurts" Katie yelled. "Click" another picture was taken. The teacher walked over to Katie's face. "You're lucky that's all I did, don't ever be difficult again, oh and these two pictures will be going around the school" the teacher showed Katie the two pictures of her ass. Katie started crying,"I'll do better miss, sorry..." Katie's day went pretty terrible after that, she was groped and even got fingered once, and when she came home she went straight to bed.

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