Blade Quest- Knight B

From Create Your Own Story

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You arrive at the castle barracks early in the morning and are greeted by your squire, Robert.

"Good morning,Andrew," he says excitedly. "You ready for the duels today?"

You stand quietly as if thinking hard about your answer, even though the answer is obvious. The sounds of the other knights prepping for today's exercise fill the musty air of the barracks. You smile at Robert as he preps your chain main coat. "Yes, squire, I do believe I'm more than ready for today."

With Robert's help you dress in chain mail, a breastplate, shin guards, greaves, and gauntlets. You sit down on a bench so that the young boy can place your helmet on your head, covering your reddish-brown hair, but not hiding your lightly tanned face. He hands you your sword and your unique shield that features the coat of arms of your father, the Duke of Clapsburg. You leave your parade tunic in its cabinet so it won't be ruined by today's trial. It too bears your family's coat of arms: a tree laden with golden fruit beneath the image of hands clasped as if in prayer. It represents an old fable that has been recounted so many times among the people of the city that no one is fully certain how much truth is in it if there was any to begin with.

You stride out onto the practice yard with several of your fellow knights in training only to see that one of the knights is already out practicing with the dummy. It comes as no surprise to you that it's Daniel, the nephew of the former knight Sir Hugh. While Daniel has always gotten good marks in drilling, you have no doubt that you can defeat him if it comes to a duel between the two of you. You are a little more concerned with Gregory, a veritable giant with muscles that bulge beneath his chain mail and fearsome dark eyes. You haven't been matched with him since you were both squires playing with wooden swords and you remember how much his blows hurt even at a young age.

Sir Rodney, the graying captain of the guard, strides forward and calls a halt to the drilling warm-ups in order to start the mock duels. Your first opponent is, of course, Gregory. Sir Rodney's not going to let your first round be too easy. You can see it in his eyes when he announces the pairings. Well, you'll show him not to underestimate you. You square off against Gregory, trying to decide on your strategy.

Health # Equipment:


MP None
Level None
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