Buy a drink and find some leads from the bartender.

From Create Your Own Story

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"I think I'll take a tankard of ale, please," you finally manage, returning your attention to the man and following him back to the bar. In the corner, you hear the loud snoring of the man slumped over his table.

You sit down as the fat man disappears into the back for a few seconds, before reappearing with a tall, frothing drink which he places in front of you. You slide a gold coin across the counter as you take a long sip. It's cold, and fresh. Suprising.

"So, what brings you here?" The man asks, starting to stack tankards and sort through equipment. "If you don't mind my asking."

"Of course," you reply, placing your drink down. "I'm an adventurer. Looking for jobs."

The man's expression seems to change, at that moment. As if suppressing a grimace, or merely trying to continue a fake smile. You make a careful note of it.

"Well, you won't find much adventure here," the fat man says, shaking his head almost exaggeratedly, wiping a tankard just a little bit faster. "We have honest workers, farmers mostly, that deal with their own problems, if there even is one."

catgeory: Dungeons and Dragons

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