*Go on with your day as if nothing happened

From Create Your Own Story

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You are absolutely shaken by what just happened so you spend the next two hours cleaning the bathrooms and the stock room. What a terrible idea this was. Now your life is sure to be ruined. Your friend, Beth, comes back to the stock room. "Listen,I don't know why you're naked or what exactly happened but you don't seem in a mood to talk so you can tell me about it later. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the boss wants you to call him ASAP.". She leaves. This is it. Time to face the music. You slink your way to the office and use the boss's phone. It's the most private one in the store. You call his cell and every ring makes you feel sicker. You've long since stopped noticing your nudity which is a good thing because if you realized you were sitting on your boss's chair totally naked with your legs splayed out it would have made you extremely self-conscious. Your boss picks up. "What's going on Shannon?". You play dumb hoping the boss isn't calling about your obvious deficiency in attire. "Not much", you reply, "just cleaned the bathroom and stock room". "That's nice", he replies, "but that's not what I mean. I'm talking about your little dress code violation.". Your throat suddenly gets a lump in it that feels like you're swallowing a beach ball. "Oh fuck", you think. This isn't going to end well.

*Happy ending: naked in the clothing store

*Bad ending: naked in the clothing store

*Unexpected ending: naked in the clothing store

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