Go see the Prime Minister

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Prime Minster Ricardo Monte and the rest of the assembled Baratarian elite rise from their seats and greet you warmly as you walk into the reserved room in the back of the restaurant. The Prime Minster, a short, round, bald man with a comb-over and a large waxed mustache greets you with the customary kiss to both cheeks. "My prince," he says, his upper-class Baratarian accent coloring his English "It is so good to see you alive and well after all these years!". You smile and nod polity, and tell him you are eager to hear what the assembled men have to say. After everyone in the room is once again seated, with the head of the table being reserved for yourself, the Prime Minster begins to articulate his proposal.

"My fellow countrymen, for too long now the villain and usurper Blanca has ruled fair nation with an iron fist. Our fellow citizens have suffered violence and oppression at the hands of his BOSS thugs. Our nations natural resources have been exploited for the profit of his masters at Newtopia rather than for used for the benefit of the people. Our woman have been used as whores, and our children as slaves in service of his criminal friends. For too long the world has turned a blind eye to our people's suffering, allowing Blanca to call himself the legitimate ruler of Barataria. But I say no more!"

"I propose we form a new government, one which represents the true will of the Baratarian people. With a true alternate to Blanca's despotism, we can seek international recognition as the legitimate government of Barataria at the United Nations and elsewhere. With international recognition, we may borrow the money needed to buy weapons, ammunition, food, and soldiers to win our cause. I put it to you my fellow citizens, shall we have a new government?"

After the Prime Minister finishes, the room bursts into applause. By unanimous consent, the assembly agrees to form a new government-in-exile, calling itself the Provisional Council of Barataria. A second vote is held to determine who should lead the council and by a large, though not unanimous, vote, Monte is elected to the role. Smiling he turns to you "As my first act as President of the Provisional Council, I ask that you, Henrique, please accept the crown of Barataria, and lead us as king!" The room once again burst into applause, clearly demonstrating their approval of you.

What do you do?

Accept Monte's offer - Take your rightful place as King Henrique II, ruler of Barataria

Reject Monte's offer - While a grand gesture, without the military might to back it up, it is meaningless. Better to stay out of it all together

You are: Citizen of Barataria
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