Katie's Camping Trip - Katie is Sent Back with the Boys, and Gets Lost with Them

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Condition Surprised and Naked Apparel and Items: Baby Oil
Day, Time Afternoon
Need to Bathroom A little
Level of Humiliation Slightly embarrassed

"Katie, you wouldn't mind guiding these two boys, would you?" Katie's mom asked, as much a statement as a question.

"But mom..."

"No buts Katie. These nice boys need some help and frankly you haven't done much to help anyone yet this trip. It's about time you start!"

"Mom, I can't! I'm naked!"

Katie's mom sighed. "Katie, you go right this instant or I'll see to it that you don't be wearing anything else this entire trip! Do you understand?"

"B-but-" Cried Katie.

"DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" Said her mom, getting rather agitated.

"...yes." Said Katie softly and defeated.

"Good. Now go on," her mom said, turning away and gesturing in the direction of the utter strangers.

Katie stood up, slow and uncomfortable, and walked towards the boys. She tried to cover her breasts with one arm and her crotch with the other. Of course with that arrangement there was nothing she could do to cover her butt.

One of the boys, grinning stupidly, held out his hand 'politely' looking for a handshake. "Hi," he smirked.

"I think it's this way," said Katie, walking right past him.

Fifteen minutes had gone by in relative silence. The two guys were muttering at each other behind her. Katie glanced back at them constantly, trying to size them up. One of them looked like the arrogant type, whose enjoyment around seeing Katie trod about completely naked was quite noticeable. The other guy seemed to be more awkward about the entire situation. His eyes seemed to turn away from Katie whenever she looked at him.

"So, Katie," the amused boy started, "do you like walking around naked all the time?"

She didn't reply, keeping her head down and forward.

"Hmmph," he huffed. "Why are you naked, anyhow?"

"I'd rather not talk about it," Katie replied tersely.

"WELL then... she'd rather not talk about it, Cody!" he said, poking his friend.

"Greg, come on. Just..." the friend, Cody, trailed off.

"At least we can enjoy the view!" Greg added. Katie again tried to ignore him, blushing fiercely.

The three of them walked. And walked. And walked, and walked, and... Time seemed to slip away as they beat their way through the bush. It felt like hours since they last saw anyone, but it's not as if Katie had a watch to keep track of the time. It was becoming apparent that she managed to get lost in the woods.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" Asked the arrogant one, showing frustration in his voice.

"Ehh... no." Katie admitted, increasingly unsure. Maybe they were going in circles.

"Are you serious?!" Greg started to sound pissed. He kicked at some shrubs, grumbling under his breath.

"I'm sorry, I really don't know." Katie felt ashamed for leading the guys into the wilderness blindly. Almost more ashamed than she felt parading around with no clothes on. But it was a close second. "Maybe... we should go back."

"You idiot! Did you leave your brain with your clothes?"

"Greg, calm down. It's not that bad. She's trying." The awkward guy finally said something noteworthy. Only took three hours.

"Ah, shut up. You finally open up your mouth, and for what? To defend this little slut?"

"I don't think that she's a sl-"

"Of course, she is! Why else would she be butt naked at a campground? She gets her kicks from being seen. Ain't that right, you little whore." Greg turned to Katie, yelling in her face. "So what are you going to do about this, tramp?"

Katie's Camping Trip - Katie gets mad and yells back

Katie's Camping Trip - Katie confirms what Greg said to get him off her back

Katie's Camping Trip - They keep walking

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