Untie the poor girl

From Create Your Own Story

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You can't help but feel sorry for the poor girl. Whatever sick twisted thing her parents were doing to her, you'll have no part of it.

She lies perfectly still as you unfasten the ropes from her feet, and smiles at you pleasantly as you free her hands. She sits up in the bed and rubs at her wrists, where thick red lines of rope burn have formed. "Soooo...good..." she says, eyeing the rope burns. You offer her a hand to get her to her feet, and she takes it.

As she stands, she reaches down to the night table and picks up a glass half full of water. Before you can say a thing or react, she swings it around quickly and smashes it into the side of your face. You tumble backwards, fragments of glass deep into the tissues of your cheek and forehead. You trip over something on the floor and fall to your back, knocking the wind clear out of your sails.

As you begin to rise, Claire steps over to you and kicks you square in the jaw with a bare foot. Her lithe, strong legs commit fully to the blow, and you feel teeth shatter as the impact rattles your head. You hit the floor again, and Claire steps over you as you lie there in a daze. She pulls aside her panties, and though you can't see through the blur and static in your rattled brain, you're sure it's a lovely little thing. She squats a little, and pisses on your face, laughing. The urine burns incredibly in your eyes and wounds, and when you try to sit up again, Claire stands and gives you another kick. Then another. Then another. And another.

In fact, Claire keeps kicking you in the head until you cease to move at all. Unconscious, your brain swelling from the blows to your skull, you can do nothing to fight her as she retrieves a heavy book-end from a shelf and stands over you. She doesn't bother throwing it down; she simply lets it fall onto your face, crushing your bones and killing you quickly.

Your life, and your adventure, ends here.

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