Games with Jill - Tom Tries to Strip Katie Naked

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Condition Stressed, Indecisive, Intimidated by Tom, horny Apparel and Items: Naked
Day, Time Saturday, Morning
Need to Bathroom A Little
Level of Humiliation Naked and being ejaculated on by a man twice her age.

Tom directed Katie on what boxes need to be moved where, sending her off with a loud slap on her ass and a grin before he turned to organize a shelf. Katie yelped as she rushed away in embarrassment desperate to get away from Tom after he had just groped and fingered her for minutes on end. She began to move some of the boxes to the indicated area.

"No no, that's not how you do it."

Katie looked up in surprise to find Tom right behind her, resting a hand on her shoulder.

"You're lifting wrong. You'll hurt your back if you continue like that. Here, I'll show you."

Tom guided her in front of a box. Grabbing onto her bare thighs, he directed her into a wide stance.

"Hm. I think these are getting in the way. Better take care of them. You don't mind right?"

Before Katie could answer, Tom pulled out a box cutter from his pocket and swiftly cut both sides of her panties, causing the now useless white cloth to drop to the ground. She was now completely bottomless.

"Hey now easy. Now thrust those hips back. Like this."

Grabbing her hips, Tom pulled Katie back until her bare ass collided with his crotch. She froze as she felt a hardness beneath his pants right between her ass checks. Tom trusted a few times against her with a laugh as Katie turned red.

"Right, that's real good. Now bend those knees and squat. Squat like you mean it."

Katie continued to redden as she followed Tom's instructions, squatting deep down. She bent her upper body over to pick up the box.

"Nope, not like that."

Katie gashed as Tom grabbed her breasts over her shirt.

"Hm. This will have to go too. I have to see how your body is positioned exactly."

Katie remained frozen as Tom gripped both halves of her shirt and pulled. Every button on the shirt broke off as Tom pulled it off of her, tossing it over his shoulder into a dusty corner Her bra quickly followed suit with a laugh while Katie whimpered in embarrassment. A man she had only met a few minutes ago had her naked in a closed room.

"I have to admit you look real nice girl."

Tom grabbed a meaty handful of her large ass while his other hand grabbed a right breast, thumbing her nipple. She gasped in shock and a little bit of pleasure. Despite the situation, she was getting a little horny, her nipples hardening under Tom's caresses. The hand of her ass moved forward down her thigh to her vagina, and she yelped as he began to slid a finger in. For a few minutes Katie was helpless as Tom trusted against her while he manhandled her breasts. The one finger in her vagina had upgraded to two, and she rapidly became wet while breathing heavily from lust.

"Hold on a moment. Almost there."

The hand of her breast vanished as she heard a zipping sound from behind her. She froze once again in mounting apprehension as she felt something large and very warm between her ass cheeks. She turned around and saw Tom's penis was free of his pants, oozing pre cum as it sat between her buttocks. The fingers in her vagina were removed as Tom squished her ass firmly around his cock. He began to thrust more rapidly as it was all she could do to just remain standing against the box.


Tom's paced continued to quicken until finally he let out a loud groan. She felt hotness stream onto her back as the older man came onto her. Tom continued to cum all over her ass with a satisfied groan.

"That was pretty nice wasn't it girl?" He said with a grin.

Games with Jill - Katie runs from the supply room

Games with Jill - Katie remains still and hopes it ends

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