Victim: Ask Cass to untie you

From Create Your Own Story

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"Could you... please untie me?" you murmur.

Cass giggles. "Back in a minute." She strides over to a closet and returns with a padded collar with a long, thin leash attached. She attaches the collar around your neck and secures the free end of the leash to a steel ring in the wall.

"Where'd that come from?" you ask, curious.

"My dad used it to keep me around... before he split," Cass informs you as she unbinds your arms. You wobble to your feet, head for the bathroom, perform a needed function, and shower. Then you return to the bed, and Cass pulls you into her arms. Your head rests against her naked chest. Her breasts make a nice pillow...

Gender Male <- Equipment ->
Age 11 Nothing
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