Rise Up/Get lost in a forest with a Hollywood Superstar

From Create Your Own Story

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You find yourself in a forest, you have no idea how you got here, dense trees surrounding the small grove you are in. You begin to to explore the area, in the hopes of finding out where you are, but everything looks the same to you, and you are now hopelessly lost, with alkost no way of finding your way back to the grove, where a small amount of light managed to pass into the clearing.

After several hours, you hear a rustling behind you, looking behind yourself, you see him... He is about 30 feet back, before getting down onto all fours and bursting into a sprint, he's gaining on you! As he gets closer, you can see that theirs blood on his face, there's blood everywhere! You can see him brandishing a knife, there's human bones around and you choose this moment to run... After several hours of running, you seem to have lost them, but you are even more lost than before, however in the distance you can sèe a small cabin with a light on!

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