Downfall/Slide over to Kirsten

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< Downfall
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At the next traffic lights, you free yourself from the seat belt and shuffle over to the other side to sit on Kirsten's lap instead and slip under her seat belt. Will shamefully looks to the side and rearranges his shorts. He tries to look casual, as if he'd had to do it anyway, but Kirsten ruins the moment for him by saying in a loud voice: "Now I know what a party tent is."

You can't help but laugh, you couldn't avoid it even if you knew that this was the moment Will would develop a personality disorder that would end in a newspaper article with his neighbors claiming they would 'never have thought he could do such a thing'. You could swear you saw a smirk in the corner of your mother's lips before she got it control over her face again. With a stern look on her face she says: "Leave your brother alone, you two. Things like this happen, you know." And after a long pause: "It's hard for him."

"MOM!" Will shouts while the three of you start to laugh again. They say laughter is infectious, and whenever you might come to end, another giggle from Kirsten or Julianne makes you start anew. It's a good thing the canny is one a reasonable type of driver, as even him chuckles, although he works hard to subdue it. It wouldn't mean good business to make fun of a customer.

Will somewhat curls his back away from you, deeply offended and maybe even hurt. Who knows, maybe you may have to make up for this later, but right now, you enjoy the joke at his expense. After a time that must have felt thrice as long for Will, the laughter finally dies down. Silly you.

Kirsten leans to your ear and whispers: "So... how long was it?"

State of Clothing T-shirt; Shorts; Panties


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