MKOT Encourage her?

From Create Your Own Story

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Deciding it would be best not to provoke her into attacking agree with her and encourage the behavior.

"Ya, that sounds like a good idea to me! I'm sure he wouldn't mind if his beautiful wife did a little shopping."

Your encouragement and flattery don't go unnoticed, her mouth widening into a wicked smile.

"Finally someone who understands how things go around here, if only my deadbeat husband was half as smart or...."

She closes the gap between the two of and cupping the bottom of you chin before kissing your forehead-

" handsome as you"

You stand there stunned momentarily from what just happened, you never imagined that Mrs.Garcia could have a softer, sweeter side to her. While you stood in awe she slipped into the plain clothes you had brought her, despite her previous outrage of never being caught dead in them. Once she was dressed and ready you both made your way out of the house and into her SUV, where she drove the two of to the mall.

Do you make it to the mall?

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