The Old Sinclair Estate

From Create Your Own Story

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Set back from the road down a lane shaded by old oak tress sits a large and beautiful estate, on any other day you would enjoy the breathtaking scenery that surrounds you. Unfortunately today isn't any other day, earlier this morning you received a troubling and cryptic letter from Lord Sinclair's lawyer. All it said was to pack a weeks worth of clothing, a car would come to collect you at noon and that you were to tell no one where you were going. Sure enough precisely at noon a car had pulled into your driveway and the chauffeur had placed your luggage in the trunk, he had worn a strained look as if trying to stay composed with difficulty. After what only seemed like minutes (but from previous experience you knew to be at least an hour) you arrived. Strangely, once you were through the gates they were closed and chained with a heavy lock. Something told you for better or for worse you were stuck here for the next week.

Exit car

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