Segon: M, Infi, Prologue, CP/FR, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1

From Create Your Own Story

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Ray rushes you, and you look for something to fend him off with. For the first time you notice that Ray's sword lays to your left, and you quickly reach for it. Ray sprints at you just as you pull the sword to yourself, and you have just enough time to raise the sword as Ray lunges, effectively falling on his own sword. You don't consider the irony of this, and instead as Ray lands on you with a gasp you give the sword a twist. Ray tenses at first, his mouth wide and his face full of - you're not sure, disbelief perhaps? - but after a moment his body goes limp and his eyes go dark. You roll Ray to your right and he slumps to the ground with a thud.

You stand up, catch your breath, and then collapse to the floor again. You rest with your back to the wall, your torso sore and sensitive from the abuse you just took. As you catch your breath you look at what remains of "Ol' Ray," and you snatch the gold chain from his neck. You've rested enough, you have a job to do. After forcing yourself to your feet you collect your daggers off the floor and slide them into their sheathes. You head towards the door, eager to be done with this place. Of course, that's when you hear the quiet whimpering from the corner.

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