Segon: M, Infi, Prologue, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, BE

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Despite being called "Segon the Silent," you never pass up an opportunity for a little drama. You easily start a fire in the smithy's furnace, into which you start shoving anything flammable looking: papers, bindings, grass, anything. It isn't long before the fire starts to spread out of control. Still, it isn't enough. You grab a jug of what you assume is animal fat and toss the whole container into the furnace, sending the flames wild. You grab another jug and throw it into the flames as well, and the smithy burns brightly. You're so impressed by the display that you don't even notice your sleeve is on fire until flames lick your face. You scream more in shock than in pain, and you dunk your arm into the water trough. You breathe a sigh of relief moments before the aging smithy roof collapses and buries you. The guards come running to the source of the fire, but despite their best attempts to quell the flames you burn to death. The next morning when questioned by Lord Daren no guard could provide an answer for the start of the fire, though some of the claimed they heard screaming coming from within.

You failed.

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