UG/Casually keep walking, trying to ignore him.

From Create Your Own Story

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You look the other direction, pretending nothing abnormal has happened. Your mind is racing as to what the hell is actually going on. As you turn your back to the aroused, naked man, you feel a hand roughly grab your mouth, an arm wrap around your torso, and a banana bumping into your thigh.

You panic, scream, kick, punch, elbow, anything to get loose to get a handle on the situation. Your voice is muffled by this hand and you start to realize that there's no banana nearby.

Tears already streaming down your face, the man has already been dragging you into the house of the backyard you were trespassing on.

A long struggle later, there's rope binding you to a chair, tape over your mouth, and deep guffaws of older men all around you. Through all the panic, you can't tell how many people are there.

You keep crying and screaming and trying to escape, but it's no use. Every time you might be getting a little loose, a hand comes behind you to gesture a choking action and it ties the rope tighter.

"Calm down, you little cunt!" a deep voice screamed.

You couldn't calm down. You couldn't believe anything that was happening.

After about 20 long minutes of kicking and screaming, four men walked around you, and started giving suggestions and commands on how to untie you.

"You take her legs, I'll take her arms. You untie her and I'll take the tape off"

They had you pinned down to a hard cement floor with all the tape and rope removed. They started feeling your body up and down. Their hard, calloused hands squeezed your breasts, rubbed your vagina, and slapped your face, butt and legs.

The man you originally saw outside says, "What were you doing watching me outside?"

"I was just walking home"

"You know what I was doing out there?"


The other men started to remove your clothes.

"Bullshit. You knew I was burying my last victim. I know you know. And even if you didn't, you know now. You know what that means?"

You were too panicked to answer. You started thrashing even harder now, getting cold and raw by the other men still rubbing you and your now naked body touching the cold basement floor.

"You're our next victim! We're now going to rape and kill you. What do you think about that? Ooh. And you're such an older, mature one, too!"

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