VRX 9000: Sex Games / Beg desperately to cum (1)

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VRX 9000: Sex Games

The Ayumi Adventures: Invading the Cult

Quest 1: The Mazrim Cult


You try to bite down your pride to do what they say but you just can't stomach it. You can hardly think with four fingers pounding into your pussy over and over again and all you can think of is cumming hard. The fact that they want you to oink registers but you instantly reject it. While you might be slowly turning mindless from the pleasure you are still not that far gone. Instead, you decide to beg. You want to cum so badly that you can't stand it. The thought that you might be breaking your obedience game doesn't even enter your mind. There is one thing and one thing only on your mind right now and you are using every inch of your control to keep yourself from cumming before they let you. You can't lose the game, you couldn't bear punishment from Zuna if you can't bare it from these two! "PLEASE! LET ME CUM! PLEASE PLEASE!!!" You scream, trembling violently in their hands.

"I said oink you stupid little cunt." Ashley spits, fingering you all the harder making you scream in pleasure and buck your hips wildly. You can't stand it.

"PLEASE!!! PLEASE!!!" You scream. "Mistress Ashley LET ME CUM PLEASE!"

"No." Ashley says with disgust, suddenly pulling her fingers out. Rachel follows suit and does the same and you feel despair washing over you. Suddenly Ashley spits in your face and you drop to the floor as the two stop holding you up, hitting hard and shaking violently moaning for them to finish you off. You are more than humiliated, spit coating your face begging to cum. A tear leaves your eye as you tremble helplessly.

You hear heels clack up to the cage then and hear Zuna purr. "Looks like she has had enough for now. That will be all."

"But mistress!" Ashley says suddenly. "We need to punish her for not oinking like a pig!"

"The fighter has passed her test of obedience, slave. You told her to oink if she wanted to cum. She didn't oink and she hasn't had an orgasm." Suddenly you hear the crack of a whip and hear Ashley scream. Normally that would make you happy, but you are too out of it to care. "Maybe I should punish you instead, slave."

"I'm sorry mistress." Ashley says quickly with a frightened voice.

"Good." You hear Zuna purr, then suddenly open the cage. "Come with me, slut. And you, keep the fighter on the brink slave." You then hear Ashley's whimpering leave the cage before it gets closed and locked again. You don't pay much attention to what happens to her next as suddenly your legs get spread from behind and Rachel slides her hand over your amazingly sensitive pussy and starts rubbing it. Your eyes instantly roll up and you moan, her touch not letting your urge to come fade a single inch. You start grinding your hips against her hand breathing loudly but every time you are about to cum she pulls her hand away, waits a few moments, then slowly starts again. She starts to drive you crazy, you just need a little more contact and you can cum! You hear muffled screams from Ashley somewhere else in the room, but you hardly care. All you can think about is grinding against that hand rubbing your sopping wet cunt.

After what seems like forever you hear the click of heels walk back over to your cage. "Very good job slave, you've done just as I've asked." You hear Zuna purr. The cage door opens once more and you hear her enter. She does something with Rachel then walks her over to her bed. "Now stay here slave while I settle our fighter in for the night." You then hear her walk over to a cabinet and open it taking a number of things before walking back into the cage with you. "Stand up, fighter." She commands, apparently standing right in front of you.

Still trembling you realize that is going to be hard, but you do your best. You've gotten this far in her good graces you might as well keep going. Your opportunity will come some time. Surely she will let you cum for being so good! You struggle, and you try to bring your knees up but you fall several times trying. Each time you fail Zuna whips you making you scream and try to hide from the whip. That just makes her whip you harder. You are finally smart enough to prop yourself against the bars and push yourself up that way, but not after you are breathing heavily with tear filled eyes and covered in whip marks. "Finally." Zuna says as if bored. "You are not to move, fighter."

You obey, and your mistress pushes your ankles back against the bars and restrains them with the same metal restraints she had used before. She then raises your hands above your head and locks your restraints against the top of the bars as well. She then finally takes off your blindfold letting you see everything again finally. You just stand there trembling and look at her meekly when she does. "Who am I, fighter?" She asks. By accident you glance over and spot Rachel. She turns out to be a beautiful, tough looking petite brunette with one hell of an ass but not much for tits. She has a collar on and is waiting, kneeling next to Zuna's large red bed.

You quickly glance back to Zuna, afraid you lingered too long. "My mistress." You answer.

"Good." Zuna purrs, smirking as she takes in your full naked, trembling body. "Were you obedient today fighter?"

You blush at the question, but are not sure how to answer it. You decide to pick the safer answer, giving a low moan as she runs a hand forward to slowly rub your pussy. "No, mistress. I have not been obedient today."

"Oh, very good." Zuna purrs again, rubbing you with a little more force finding your clit. You feel yourself starting to build towards an orgasm again and moan deeply, hoping that if you answer enough questions she'll let you cum.

"I see you want to cum fighter. Do you think you've been good enough to cum today?" Zuna says, really picking up the pace on your pussy making you almost scream in pleasure, trembling just as hard as you were earlier now.

A tear almost slides down your cheek as you realize the correct answer, but dread saying it. "No, mistress. I don't deserve to cum." You are horrified when you give a small sob after saying those words.

Zuna just smiles then, stopping her rubbing and starts to trail her hand up your stomach. "I agree, fighter." She then creates a small green spark next to your skin and you feel a shiver run down your body. "I've just cast a spell on you fighter. As long as the spell lasts, you will be unable to cum." Your eyes go wide, horrified. Tears start to really fall down your cheeks now as you just stare at her. Zuna just purrs and brings her hand away. "Tomorrow you will start fresh. If you please me tomorrow, you will be rewarded. Do not disappoint me." Zuna then takes one of the items she brought in and shoves it between your lips. It is a long metal bar gag that she shoves between your teeth with straps that she runs around your face and head to force you to bite down on it, almost like a horse. She then re-applies the blindfold to your dismay after bundling your hair up in a ponytail.

You feel Zuna press up against you then, blushing as you feel her amazing breasts and hips against yours, and cry out helplessly against the gag as she runs her hands back to squeeze then split your ass. You give a cry of surprise and displeasure as you feel something press against your asshole then, horrified. Zuna works whatever it is against your asshole slowly forcing it in making you cry out in pain as it slowly fills your ass completely. When she is done she gives your ass a quick spank then moves to spread your legs from the front, bending down. Your eyes light up as an absolutely massive dildo is slid right up your aching, sopping wet cunt. You moan loudly and fully as she gets every last inch up you, eyes back in your head as you struggle against your restraints as pleasure destroys your calm. You then feel some kind of latex slid around your waist then up between your legs which tightens fiercely keeping both the butt plug and dildo tightly up your holes. You sob slightly at that, realizing you can't get them out.

Last but far from least, you cry out in pain as something hard and metal clamps down on your nipple, and then your other. Seconds later you scream as some kind of weight it added to the horrid clamps tugging down hard on your very sensitive nipples. You can hardly stand it immediately, your muffled screams just amusing to Zuna. "Sleep tight, fighter." Zuna finally purrs, and you hear her flip a switch.

You scream as both the butt plug and dildo both start vibrating fiercely inside you, already stretching you to the limits but now vibrating hard against your insides going crazy. Then there is a horrid electrical shock as the two cause a shock between them making you scream at the top of your lungs. You immediately start tearing at your restraints, tears flowing from your eyes but just scream more as all you really accomplish is swinging your tits around making the weights on the clamps pull harder on your poor nipples. The pain is amazing, but the pleasure quickly builds you up to orgasm. Suddenly all you can think about is the orgasm, almost ignoring the pain, and desperately try to release yourself. You can't. The orgasm sits just on the edge letting you feel all the pleasure without actually releasing it. The spell! NO! You start to scream and sob as you thrash in your bonds, the cruel tools put on your body quickly driving you insane.

The vibrator throbs in your pussy for what seems like forever, pleasure exploding through your body just an inch away from release. You can't stand it and moan deeply between your screams of being shocked. You are not sure how long you are left like that, but eventually you go unconscious from it all. You are woken several times during the night to the same hell, woken up screaming in pain and moaning in pleasure for another hour before you pass out again. You lose count of how many times before finally, you wake up on the floor of your cell. Everything has been removed from you except for a new collar which is leashed to the bars. You slowly realize someone is running a rag along you, groggily looking over to see Rachel, with a collar and leash as well, slowly cleaning you with a wet rag. You try to sit up but you can hardly move, horribly weak from the night. You then just start crying, remembering all that has been done to you. To your surprise Rachel pulls your head onto her lap and starts running a hand through your hair in comfort. You cry like you never had before, horrified at the loss of your pride and what you've done. And the worst part is, you are incredibly horny. You can almost not resist shoving your hands down and touching yourself. Apparently Zuna has let you build down from the orgasm but has not let you cum yet. You don't dare touch yourself in thought of the spell still lingering on you.

Finally after a good twenty minutes of being washed and being comforted by Rachel she finally shows you two bowls from which you can eat and drink. It is humiliating, but you hardly care. You chow down, starving, and eat and drink your fill. You finally get a look around then, gauging the room. Zuna is apparently gone at the moment. You finally spot Ashley then, in a cage across the room. She turns out to be a busty redhead with massive tits and ass. Amazing ones, actually. She looks like she is enduring the same punishment in which you received last night. You growl slightly realizing you had been cheated. She had said she wouldn't punish you if you were obedient, but what else was last night but torture? You can't deal with another night of that. You can't. You either have to escape, or be as obedient as possible today.

You look over to Rachel who is watching you with a calm gaze. Do you try and get her to help you escape? This might be a good time to talk with her. Zuna isn't here and you doubt Ashley is paying much attention. "Rachel... I'm Ayumi." You say softly, your strength still gone.

Rachel just smiles sadly at you. "You shouldn't speak fighter."

"Please, just listen." You say, looking her in the eyes. "We need to escape. Who knows what she'll do with us today? We can work together. I know we can do this!"

Shaking her head, it is as if Rachel is trying not to listen. "Stop talking. I'll tell Zuna everything you just said if you do." You see a worried expression on her face for just a moment. And a scared one. Is she that afraid of Zuna? Or is she that afraid of failing to escape? Did you see hope there? You know you need to tread carefully now. You look around again quickly. Zuna is gone again, and this time you are not restrained and only in a cage. Is this your chance to escape? Or is Zuna testing you again? You shudder at the thought of getting caught again.


What do you do?


Current Status: 85% - Normal, Aroused, Restrained

Current Items: None.

Current Alignment: (10/20) - Neutral

Main Quest: Find the Heirloom

Side Quests: None


Surge of Strength: x2

Intimidation: x1

Heart of Steel: x2

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