Burned her shirt

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Condition Nervous and Embarrassed Apparel and Items: Shorts, Panties, Sandals
Day, Time Morning, middle of English class
Need to Bathroom None
Level of Humiliation Embarrassed that Her Bra is Exposed

When Katie looked up she was surprised that none of the class was looking at her any longer. They were instead focused on Harper who was lowering a lighter to a small metal pail. The pail lit up the moment the lighter reached its top edge, clearly filled or coated in something flammable. What it took Katie a moment to realize is that her shirt was inside that flaming bucket! Harper looked up at Katie smiling cheerfully. Mrs. Appleby looked concerned but said nothing. Harper shuffled to one side and accessed her bag again. She gave a shooing motion to Katie, urging her to continue. Katie needed a few seconds to recover from the shock of watching her recently discarded top go up in flames, but she did continue.

"And every fair from fair sometime declines..."

Katie felt something cold and metallic against the side of her leg. Harper was clearly at her side, but despite her short pause Katie did her best to ignore the girl's questionable activities.

"By chance or nature’s changing course UN-trimm'd!"

Katie tried to hide her terror as a sharp snip cleaved its way through her bottoms. She glanced down to discover Harper had cut cleanly through one side of her shorts, and her panties along with it! Her bottoms fell open toward the center fully exposing her hip and thigh right up to her pubic mound. It took every ounce of strength Katie had to not react even when she knew what was next. Harper wasted no time slipping her shears into the other side of the split bottoms to finish the job. The second harsh snip sent Katie's bottoms straight to the floor, fully exposing her bottom half to the entire class. Katie swallowed hard as she watched Harper toss the filleted garments into the fire. Even if she were to finish the sonnet, it all seemed so hopeless now.

"But... but thy eternal summer shall not" -snip- "fade."

Katie's left bra strap came loose.

"Nor lose posse-" -snip- "...possession of that fair thou ow’st." -snip

Katie's bra swung away from her body as Harper held onto one of the snipped straps. The sadistic girl guided it over top of the flaming bucket, the eyes of the class bouncing between it and Katie's now completely nude form. The moment Harper dropped that final article into the bucket, all eyes returned to Katie's body.

Fighting back her tears, Katie returned to where she left off. She had nothing else to lose. Might as well finish it.

"Nor shall death brag thou wander’st in his shade when in eternal lines to time thou grow’st. So lo-"

Katie was interrupted yet again when Harper kicked at her ankles and spread her legs apart. Katie widened her stance, slightly concerned that Harper's hands were pulling on her ample butt cheeks.

"So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, so long lives THIS!!""

Katie squealed when she felt something jab her asshole, that something penetrating deep within her ass. Katie took a few unsteady steps forward on her tip toes trying to flee from whatever was now filling her back half, but Harper was quick to grab onto her hips and hold her in place. But Harper did more than just hold her. Her hands wrapped around to Katie's front, her fingers clawing at Katie's snatch. She unceremoniously latched her fingertips onto Katie's labia and pulled wide, stretching the young girl's tight opening and exposing her pink sensitive flesh to her peers.

"and... and this... gives life to thee."

Confused applause slowly filled the room. Mrs. Appleby seemed impressed somehow, clapping much more earnestly than the rest of the class. Well, most of the class. Some of the guys, especially those who had been recording what they could on their phones, seemed far more "impressed" than Mrs. Appleby.

When Harper's fingers left Katie's labia, the violated girl began to reach behind her to remove whatever was filling her asshole. But Harper quickly pushed her over at the waist, forcing her into a bow. This only tightened her rectum's hold and brought Katie to remain in her bow, still adjusting to the painful sensation of her stretched and penetrated rear.

Harper slammed a lid on top of the small bucket extinguishing her clothing-fueled fire. Katie stared at that lid intently until Harper removed it. She hoped and prayed that something - anything - had survived the tiny inferno Harper had lit. But it was a pathetic hope, the contents of the bucket little more than a charred mess.

Katie slowly righted herself, the pain behind her diminishing. That's when she noticed Mrs. Appleby standing in front of her.

"That was an intriguing performance, Katie..." the teacher begins.

"Can you explain to us exactly what your imagery represents?"

"Please take your seat so we can get to the next presentation."

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