2T4U/Try to possess your son Jack

From Create Your Own Story

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If you are a ghost, it stands to reason that you should be able to possess the living. Having a body might just be enough to allow you to finally get off. You'd like to stay male, just for comfort issues. You're sure Jack wouldn't mind helping his dad out.

You float into Jack's room. He's still sleeping, and from the looks of things he's having as hard a time of it as you are. bad pun, you think. You carefully sit on the bed and lower yourself into your son's body. He shivers and draws the covers closer to himself. You try to focus on his body, picturing yourself merging into him.

You are suddenly thrown violently out of his body. You mind is unfocused and disjointed. It reminds you of a time when you were young and touched your head to an electric fence on your uncle's farm. Slowly clarity returns. You find yourself floating above the staircase of all places. Perhaps possessing humans is a bit much right now . . . or maybe you just need to start with a much younger human.

What do you do?

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