
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 20:33, 18 September 2014 by Blitzbear93 (Talk | contribs)

Tbis is my user page to contact me please search the same user name on wikia sites. thankyou

About me

My names Rebbekah but to most I'm known as Blitz and I'm your regular 21yr old strange if someone lonely gamergirl who spends her days playing video games and writing My influences for creating (and wanting to create) create you own sTory games Were mainly

  • Bioware (video games company)
  • Telltale (video games company)
  • Choiceofgames (a chose your own path game company)
  • and other various generic otome games.

Since extensively playing choose your owns I have wanted to make my own one with the idea off being whoever you want and maybe having a little romance along the way where you Tully felt like you were a character in a way usually only video games with visuals can do (within a certain role of course :p)

I started working on my own choose your own style of game at the start of 2014 but put it on hold after a few weeks as I didn't have any way of actually making it at that pointing was all messy typing up on a word program on my tablet and writtings in a paper journal which had no real way of linking choices to each other and just really confusing in general, sometime mid September a friend linked me (rather accidentally too. as they had found adult stories mistakenly xD) to this site since then I've been writing up my create your own here ever since.

Hope you like it :)

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