"Well enough to recognise an attractive Vampire when I see them" (MPR)

From Create Your Own Story

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She snickers briefly reaching for a file and scanning the pages not looking at you

"You mistress must have been fairly trusting and easy with you her fiance, that you can so easily flirt with one you know to be a Vampire"

You laugh then get a slight pang of conscience leading you to ask

"Is... is she here? Where is my mistress Julia Delacour?"

She sighs and pputs the files down looking up at you.

"no, she is not here"

Confused you look at her wondering who she is, if she even knows your mistress as if reading your mind she speaks

"I am Doctor Morgan Guillain, I prefer to be called Morgan than M'lady if you please, this is the Davison Reasearch and Medical Institure, DRAMI to most, I do not know miss Delacours whereabouts but perhaps I can find out for you"

You look at your surroundings a cold sterile research environment.you turn to Morgan many confused thoughts fill your head , your previous life and mistress amount them.

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