The Zoo/Suck Adinr's cock next.

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Your body happily complies to his command. Your tongue touches the hardness of Adinr's cock, licking his length up and down passionately. You hear Adinr groaning above you, his hands rubbing his cock.

"C'mon, do it," he moans, pushing his cock against your tongue. "Make me feel good."

Your tongue slides from the head to his tip, where you are greeted by his moderate bush. You moan as you take in its scent, your pheromones going crazy. You feel Adinr chuckling above you, his hands guiding his head towards your mouth. Subject to lust, your mouth opens to allow the monster known as Adinr's cock to slide in you.

"Ahh," he moans. "Feels good..."

Your mouth, still creamy after taking in Mane's ejaculation, serves as a extra lubricant as Adinr's 9-inch shaft slides deep into your mouth. You take his whole length in one go, your mouth having been successfully trained just moments earlier.

"That's one good tiger..." you hear Adinr groan. "Ah, Mane, you've gotta try "

Your talented hands play with his gems, your palms rubbing up his sperm factories slowly. Being a tiger, you find his nuts comparatively larger than yours. You're curious, of course, of how much cum it can produce.

As you continue to suck him, his moans slowly get loudly and more lewd. His hands grip your head gently, urging you to suck him faster.

"Ah, damn, ah..." his breaths are short and erratic, his cock pushing into you faster and faster.

Your mouth jerks suddenly as a finger pokes at your ass, sliding in slowly. You clench around it tightly, groaning as Adinr continues his assault on your mouth. The finger slides in and out of you, your ass slowly accepting Mane's finger.

"Yeah, prep him nice and good," he moans, his hands slipping off your head and onto your shoulders. He's shoving his cock deep into your mouth, taking complete control as your mouth takes it all in.

"C'mon, you little- ahh- ahh- AHH!"

You feel cum rushing into your mouth, his cock releasing a massive load as one, two, three, four, five, and six shots all coat your exotic mouth. Behind you, Mane jams another finger into your rear, causing you to release as well. Adinr's remaining cum flows all over your chest, mixing with yours and Mane's. The latter pulls his fingers out from your rear, causing you to whimper slightly.

"Like that, boy?" the zebra asks, his cock coated with cum as he pulls our of your mouth. "It's going to be all in you, don't worry."

You lick up the cum on your body, smirking as the two animals above you watch you earnestly. Once you're done, you:

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