Ask for some damn fucking chocolate mints on your pillow already!!!

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 05:02, 2 September 2007 by Canary8623 (Talk | contribs)
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You call in for you request

Five minutes later, the mints have not arrived.

This is not acceptable.

"Fuck this! You scream, knocking over a table. "I'm getting those Goddamn mints myself!"

You then pull a pistol out of your jacket.

You got lucky - the mints were just down the hall from the elevator, so you didn't have to spend too much time shooting people on your way to them.

The mints, sadly, do not last long.

After killing the manager, his assistant, and a few catering girls, the police arive. They refuse to provide more mints. Despite the odds, you manage to take out 5 more people and wound several others before succumbing to your wounds.

As you lay on the floor, blood seeping from your body, you notice a lone chocolate mint, wrapped in gold foil, lying an inch from you. You reach for it, unwrap it, and place it in you mouth. You smile, the taste of chocolate mint being the last thing you experience as the police surround your lifeless body moments later.


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