Love is Magic Expansion Rules

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:05, 19 August 2014 by Pheonix Flair (Talk | contribs)

1. Do not rush the romance. In other words, no early seduction or sex.

2. Do not change character design. For example, if you are continuing on the story arc of a male changeling from Canterlot, remember to preserve that information. Along those lines, try not to take the story too far from its origin. If the story starts in Ponyville, do not move all the characters permanently to Manehatten for no reason.

3. Do not troll. Seriously. We will find you, and go Liam Neeson on your butt. Got it?

4. Do not make sudden changes in the plot. To illustrate, if you’re not fond of a certain character, you are not allowed to banish them to Siberia just as soon as you take the reigns of the story. Also, do not introduce random, distracting characters into the story without good reason. That means we don’t want to see your OC swooping in and becoming the center of attention.

5. No Alicorns except for the ones that are seen in the show. Even then, do not involve them without good reason.

6. Please limit profanity and obscenity to a reasonable level.

7. No rape of any kind, no BDSM or other dark fetishes, and no pedophilia. Relationships must be between two consenting adult ponies.

8. No weird cannon things. No humans, no anthros, and no AU or crossover stuff. Keep the story strictly in the boundaries of Equestria.

9. Do your best to write legibly and with correct punctuation. No confusing abbreviations or emoticons.

10. Respect the work of others. Bullying will absolutely not be tolerated.

Keep in mind, this is intended to be a fun and interesting story for everypony to enjoy. This is not a place to live out your own personal fantasy. If you intend to post, keep in mind that your work on this story should be something others would like to read. All posts will be reviewed by the mods, and any and all which break these rules will be deleted.

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