VRX 9000: Sex Games / Attack when they get close (2)

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VRX 9000: Sex Games

The Ayumi Adventures: Invading the Cult

Quest 1: The Mazrim Cult


You figure it is time to get your hands dirty, you are not about to let all of this good information go to waste by just abandoning you route forward. It is just a guard patrol, if you can't handle them then you are not fit to be on this quest after all right? Plus, this will be an ambush. As a rogue this is your specialty. As you wait in the crate you draw two daggers and crouch silently ducking your head down and listen. Their footsteps come closer and you can hear them talking. "Where is Hatchet? That idiot asleep in that corner again?"

"I don't see him there. Maybe."

"HATCHET! The idiot locked the gate while he was asleep."

"Hey not so loud, we don't want fucking Zuna coming out and checking on things. She'd have our heads for interrupting whoever the hell she is working on in there this time."

"Damn, right. Hatchet you fucker wake up..."

They were finally close enough.


Fight Begins.

You leap over the top of the crate in a split seconds, the guards turning in surprise as they finally reach the gate. There are two of them, both armored and wearing spears with cultist gear and garb. They both react quickly, both well trained guards, but you are faster. With quick aim you fire your new crossbow and take out the slower guard on the left sending him to the ground hard. Hitting the ground you toss the crossbow and spin pulling a dagger and toss it at the right guard. The right guard is unfortunately quick enough and barely knocks the dagger away mid-air with his spear. You land in front of him then, drawing two more daggers.

The guard eyes you but quickly snaps back into it and levels his spear towards you as the two of you start to circle each other. He does seem too happy that you just took out his friend. Moments later he lunges and after a short series of thrust you manage to get some distance parrying each and every blow. The guard realizes he is out of his league then and does what he should, call for help.

You make your move. Just as he yells out you slip forward then feign past his spear and knock it away after getting close. The guard is however uncannily quick and drops the spear and meets your dagger thrust with his own dagger. The two of you fight close in over and over and the guard keeps yelling out for help. You finally manage a quick slash across the throat ending that as he slumps to the floor.

Looking up you look for reinforcements but after a few moments of waiting you realize none are coming. The guard hovels must be a little too far down the next tunnel and the apprentice through the metal door must be pretty entranced with someone else not to hear.

Fight Ends.


Sheathing your daggers and grabbing the ones you had thrown earlier you make your way into the cave after slinging the crossbow over your shoulder. You probably don't have much time, a guard patrol is always missed sooner rather than later. You bypass the metal door without a thought, the guards thought of the apprentice as pretty nasty so you don't want to slow yourself down with a potentially strong opponent. You can hear screams from inside, likely the reason why she didn't hear the alarm. Luck is ever on your side. So you make your way down the tunnel sloping to the right. You are quiet, and before long reach what the guard must have meant by the hovels. They are strange circular cut outs in the sides of the tunnel with red drape curtains over most of them. You can see into the first one pretty easy, the curtain somewhat pulled to the side. There is a circle of raggedy beds with piles of what must be the guard's possessions in-between the cracks. There is also a strange lantern in the middle that is turned down low lighting up the room.

You glance around but since you took out the patrol you are able to move on. You move slowly, the tunnel long and filled with hovels. Every now and then a guard will come out and go one direction or another. Most of the go the way you are going thankfully and don't have a chance of discovering the other downed guards. Some of them did head that way however so you hurry, slipping in and out of the curtains when guards come by moving forward.

You finally make it to the guard barracks, or at least you know it is by viewing the fork further down the tunnel. There is a small metal wall blocking it off with two guards behind it heading your way with another guard standing post. The other tunnel heads off toward what sounds like the roar of a crowd. It is obviously the city the guard was talking about. What to do now? The guards will obviously see you if you try to move forward and there is no way you can disguise yourself as a guard, they are all male as far as you can tell.


What do you do?


Current Status: 95% - Normal

Current Items: Dagger, Armor, Thieves' Tools, Crossbow

Current Alignment: (9/20) - Neutral

Main Quest: Find the Heirloom

Side Quests: None


Deadly Focus: x3

Burst of Luck: x1

Vanish: x1

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