D&D : Go downstairs and wash up.

From Create Your Own Story

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Quietly sneaking out of the room, you head downstairs to wash yourself and your armor. Most likely, you'll get as dirty as the other adventurers during your next quest tomorrow. For now however, you can't go around making a bad impression already.

Thinking you managed to sneak out unnotice, but actually being watched by everyone other than the snoring dwarf, you tiptoe down the stairs to the washing tub. The water's cold but you don't mind too much, you're used to washing outside in the cold river water after all. Humming to yourself, you never notice the four pairs of eyes peeking from behind the stairs as you disrobe and wash up.

Once you're clean, you go to work on your armor. Treating it carefully, getting all the dirt out of the joints. It's quite some time later before you head back to the bedroom and lie down to rest for the remainder of the night. Feeling really light but also vulnerable without your armor on, you quickly put it back on before entering the sleeping room.

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