Unwritten/Chun/Option 2

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Revision as of 05:57, 15 May 2014 by Zoroastra (Talk | contribs)
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Well, you're no virgin or anything so it's not like you haven't done this before. Might as well go all the way. As for the .. more advanced options, you haven't tried deepthroating or backdoor entry before. Maybe you'll try them later if working here isn't too bad. As for the fetishes.. well, we'll see won't we?

It was also a nice surprise to find out this place has rooms for rent and an employee discount for staying there. Most likely, you're not the only one of the girls working here to run away from home.. or get kicked out in your case. The rooms are 400$ a month and you get 50% off, so you could stay here for 200$ a month. Seems like a good idea since it would mean zero commute time and reduces the chances that anyone who is not a customer might remember seeing you enter here later on, which might be helpful if you go looking for a decent job later.

You :

Stay at this place and start working right away, it seems to be rather busy. (-200$)

Look for a place to stay elsewhere and delay starting here until tomorrow.

Health 100 Equipment:

Normal jeans, Blue Tank Top, large bag

Stamina 95
Morale 50 Inventory:

chinese elegant dress, pink party outfit, 2 water bottles, 1 Boxed Lunch, 7 snacks, Rain Coat

Money 800$

Health 100 Equipment:

Normal jeans, Blue Tank Top, large bag

Stamina 95
Morale 50 Inventory:

chinese elegant dress, pink party outfit, 2 water bottles, 1 Boxed Lunch, 7 snacks, Rain Coat

Money 800$
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