Unwritten/Chun/Vampire/Force your eyes to open

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You focus on getting your eyes to open first, it takes all your willpower but eventually your eyelids flutter open and you see the corridor. What corridor? Right the corridor, the corridor wher you.. The corridor where you died? How? You died? But you're here, how can you be here when you died? Is this a dream? You shake off the confusion threatening to overtake you and slowly, you remember what happened. The red eyes, claws and fangs. You were bitten. Bitten by what? A wild beast? no. A demon. A demon in human skin. Red eyes. A vampire. He bit you. He killed you. Drained your blood and left your empty corpse here to rot. But you didn't rot. You're not rotting at all.

Taking a deep breath, you collect your wits. You recall the stories about vampires. They were just myths and you never paid too much attention, but you were bitten by one. Replaying the stories in your mind, you remember. They turned. The victims who were bitten, they turned. Into mindless ghouls? Into vampires themselves? They all had one thing in common. They were.. No longer human.

Well, at the very least you aren't mindless. Determined now, you force your body to move. First the fingers, the toes and eventually the knees. Moving one muscle after the other, you roll over and eventually manage to get up. For the first time, you can look at the place where you were lying. Or sitting. Up against the wall. Blood. There's red bloodstains on the wall where you were. But that's not all they are. They're dry. Dried blood. just how long have you been there? Days? weeks?

You :

Observe your surroundings.

Lie back down. This is too much to take in all at once. You need.. a break.

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